Welcome to the Ati Sanat Website

To communicate in social media: +989334660041

Central Office: E6 Unit, 6th Floor, Hormehr Commercial and Administrative Complex, 111 St., Mehrshahr, Karaj, Alborz province

Special Tie line: +982633178


Special Tie line: +982633178



   The commercial department of this group includes purchase, partnership, investment and capitalization services in mining areas, as well as buying and selling raw and processed minerals, metal ingots, preparation of mining and mineral birth certificates and their valuation to create a business model. It is working and establishing communication and partnership between miners, investors and owners of domestic and foreign industries.


Among the most important activities of this unit are:


  • Product market studies and identification of target markets
  • Analysis of investment space from legal and legal aspects
  • Estimating the infrastructure facilities for project implementation
  • Estimating capital costs and production operating costs
  • Forecasting the sales plan and estimating the project’s future revenues
  • Estimation and sensitivity analysis of financial and economic indicators
  • Investment risk analysis
  • Pricing strategies
  • Market development policies
  • Cost reduction solutions
  • Increasing competitiveness
  • Funding solutions
  • Reduce investment risk
  • Investment and partnership